
What Type of Gate Is Best for Your Home?

Gates keep homes secure, while also improving curb appeal thanks to the visual enhancement they afford. As a result, you must select a new gate carefully to ensure it exceeds your expectations.

To begin the selection process, you must first learn more about the different types of gates and their functions. The following are three common gate types and what they offer homeowners.

Read more: What Type of Gate Is Best for Your Home?

Metal Gates

Metal gates are a great option when your top priority is home security. These fixtures can be outfitted with state-of-the-art locking mechanisms to prevent unwanted individuals from accessing your property. A secure gate also provides peace of mind when it comes to your family, as children and pets will be safe within your backyard. Metal gates are also resilient and require little maintenance.

Wood Gates

When it comes to aesthetic appeal, you can’t go wrong with a wooden gate. Wood can be painted or stained to match the rest of your home. It can also be cut into intricate designs to offer beauty and functionality in one convenient package. Wood does require a bit of maintenance, especially when it’s constantly exposed to the elements. Your installation professional can provide guidance on the type of maintenance your wood gate will need, as well as how often it will need it.

Specialty Designs

A skilled installer can also create a specialized design that meets your exact needs. For instance, you can specify the exact type of wood, such as pine, cedar, or spruce. You can also provide insight when it comes to specific design details, which ensures the finished gate will fit in nicely with the rest of your exterior décor.

No matter what type of gate you’d like installed at your Albuquerque home, the talented team at El Pueblo Woodworking is happy to lend a hand. Along with our other carpentry services, we also perform custom gate construction in the material of your choice. We can even help you make the best decision thanks to our years of experience. Schedule a consultation by calling (505) 221-5321 or contact us to learn more.

6200 San Francisco Rd. NE
Albuquerque, NM 87109
Phone: (505) 221-5321